Type: Full Body |Hips | Hamstrings | Core | Shoulder Girdle
Discipline: Jujitsu | MMA | Muay Thai | Athlete
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Time: Pre-training
Duration: 10 to 15 minutes
Rounds: 2 to 4
A short and effective pre-training stretch for improved flexibility, range of motion and injury prevention. Use of vinyasa (flow) to create internal heat preparing the muscles for increased periods of start and stop flexion and extension. Ideal for jujitsu positions requiring back to back movements of internal and external rotation through the joints. Movements are connected by a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Allow for 2 to 3 breathes in each posture. Begin on the right side of the body moving through all postures. Once completed return to the beginning and move through each posture on the left side of the body. One round equals the sequence on both the right and left side.
Mountain – Tadasana
- Feet hip width apart, body weight evenly distributed along the bases of the feet
- Long spine, engaged core
- Shoulders relax away from the ears with light engaged through the blades drawing towards the back-body
- Arms alongside the body, palms facing forward
- Inhaling and exhale through the nose
Forward Fold – Uttanasana
- Inhale to lift the arms up
- Exhale to forward fold, bending at the hips bringing belly to thighs
- Hands release to the mat bending the knees if needed to bring the hands to touch
- Head is heavy, forehead relaxes towards the knees, shoulders draw back
- Weight slightly forward for an increased stretch along the backs of the legs
Half Way Lift – Ardha Uttanasana
- Inhale to bring the palms of the hands flat to the shins
- Shoulders draw back to create a flat neutral back
- Gaze slightly forward aligning the neck and shoulders
- Weight is evenly distributed through the feet
High Plank – Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana
- Exhale to release the hands to the mat, shoulder width distance apart
- Step feet to the back of the mat, toes are tucked under
- Activation through the backs of the heels, thighs engaged
- Arms are straight, triceps rolling in, shoulder drawing back
- Flat back creating a straight line along the spine
- Strong activation through the core pulling navel to spine
- Hips are aligned with the shoulders
Four Limbed Staff – Chaturanga Dandasana
- Shoulders draw back
- Elbows tuck in close to the body, biceps connect to the ribs
- Back body remains neutral
- Lower half way down creating a 90-degree angle with the arms
- Core stays activated, gaze forward
- Hold in a straight line, do not allow the shoulders to dip down below the elbows
(see image above).
Upward Dog – Urdhava Mukha Svanasana
- Untuck the toes pressing the tops of the feet into the mat
- Strong activation through the highs
- Hips and knees are lifted off the mat
- Press in the palms, rolling the shoulders back to straighten the arms and open the chest
- Actively drawing the hands back creating a gentle back bend
- Gaze is upward, head back slightly
Downward Facing Dog – Adho Muka Svanasana
- Untuck the toes
- Press into the hands to lift the hips back and then high into the air
- Legs are straight, knee caps lifting up, heels of the feet release down to the back
- Arms remain straight rolling the triceps in creating opening through the shoulders
- Head releases down between the biceps gaze towards the navel
- Feet are hip width distance heels hidden behind the toes
Three-Legged Dog
- Remain in downward facing dog
- Inhale to lift the right leg high into the air
- Shoulders squared to the mat, press into the fingers tips to reduce tension on the wrists
- Open the right hip by bending the right knee pulling right foot to the left glute
- Right knee is high pointing upwards
- Left leg is straight with the heel grounded on the mat
Knee to Nose
- From downward facing dog
- Gradually shift body weight forward, moving onto the toe tips
- Press into the hands
- As you move forward deeply round the spine forward pulling right knee to nose
- Strong activation through the core
Fallen Triangle
- From knee to nose
- Press firmly into the right-hand arm is straight
- Roll from the ball of the back left foot onto the pinky toe side
- Shift body weight to the right
- Open the chest by drawing the left shoulder back arm extends up
- As you shift to the right, right leg extends out to the side
- Extending through the left finger tips creating opening in the left side body
- Hips are stacked lifting upwards
Warrior II – Virabhadrasana II
- From fallen triangle
- Draw the right foot in towards the center line of the body
- Release the left hand down to the mat
- Roll onto the ball of the back left foot
- Hips are squared to the mat
- Right knees is bent foot flat on the floor
- Hands flat on the mat framing the front right
- Once aligned in a low lung release the back heel to the mat
- With a wide stance create a heel to arch alignment with the feet
- Windmill the arms up to standing
- Right arm extends forward left arm extends back
- Deep lung into the front right knee drawing the knee cap towards the pinky toe to open the right hip
- Back leg is straight and activated pressing through the pinky toe edge
- Hips and shoulder are aligned and center in the body
- Chest is open, shoulders draw back and down
- Gaze forward towards the right finger tips