I have been thinking about this for the last few weeks while I have spent time putting the pieces together of various stories and information that I have read or been told. Although, I believe that the reasons why don’t matter simply because sometimes an explanation may never satisfy those seeking answers. For instance, why certain things in life happen to you or why someone doesn’t love you? Common questions that plague most people’s minds. There are times in life, too many to count where knowing the reasons why has no added value. But then I think about times when the reasons why matter. Times when we need to know the backstory and dive deeper into the why or what led us or you here.

So as much as I encourage you to not get lost in the details of explanations that will never satisfy you or ease the weary heart. I think it’s important to educate yourself before you jump to conclusions or tear someone down. There is a time and place for discovering the reasons why and this effort is important particularly if it concerns what you believe and what you are being told to believe. It’s okay to question the best source and it’s okay to investigate why certain conclusions are made.

Unfortunately, people spend more time arguing about why they think something is wrong without doing a full deep dive. It’s easier to formulate surface-level conclusions. It’s hard to formulate or move beyond something that is easy to something that challenges us and perhaps our beliefs, the ways we see the world and how we see others. Surface-level conclusions allow us to be lost in our emotions. A space that we all know too well and find comfort in. It’s that deep dive into the unknown and the discovery that we are wrong or perhaps talk too much and know very little is scary.

It makes us feel raw and vulnerable. It makes us feel unsafe, particularly in a world where more people prefer to skim the surface in fear of diving into the deep unknown where truth lives. The truth is a beautiful thing but it can be terrifying because we know it will remove us from fantasy into reality. Where real feelings happen and what is, is much more important than the things we prefer to be true.

It’s important to push yourself to be brave, brave enough to find out the reason why things are the way they are. I am not talking about why someone doesn’t love you. I mention this because matters of the heart seem to be what people spend more time trying to decipher than they do what is happening around them. Think about it? How much time have you spent thinking about this, how many books have you read about love and relationships and all the reasons why he/she doesn’t love you? I am not saying being in love isn’t important, it is, human connection and partnerships are integral to our well-being.

I am asking you, what about the other stuff? How much time? How many books have you read? Are you really deep-diving into living this life and seeing things as they are or is it easier to leave the other important parts of what it means to be a spiritual being living a human experience to chance? We work on self-love and self-care because we know we can’t leave this to chance. We know that this continuous work requires our absolute attention. Then we go out in a world trying to be full of self-work and self-love tools and feel the push back. We feel and see that something isn’t right and this is pushing us further into our self-work.

So there you are, focusing on being your best self, loving your self. Knowing very well that outside of the bubble you have created for yourself something is amiss. I wonder, have you asked the reasons why? Have you dived as deep into these external energies perplexing you, making you feel unsafe or unsure as you have with the self-work you have committed to? As we explore the reasons why we are the way we are we need to explore why other things in life are the way they are and whether or not we should believe things simply based on one piece of information we are given.

As compelled as you are to dig deep into the depth of your soul it’s important to understand that this energy of discovery must also flow outward. That sometimes the struggle within happens because we are missing the important pieces of the puzzle happening right before our eyes. It is true we only see the things we want to see. It’s how we protect ourselves. It’s self-preservation. As we know, as we look within to strengthen our connection to the cosmos. We must understand the strength of exploring what is happening around us is what will keep us firmly planted in ourselves; in love.

As you spend time unearthing past traumas, in order to let go and remove yourself from victimhood, to a place of strength, wisdom and clarity. You need to use these tools you are using to heal what needs to be healed within you to ask the reasons why when something or someone enters your vortex with new pieces of information. During times like this, the reasons why matter.

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew