How To Get Over Rejection

How how to get rejection…There is nothing that can prepare you for rejection but I have some insight on how to get over rejection quickly and I hope it will help you to move forward. Being rejected sucks, it’s that simple. It’s not easy to get over rejection when all you hear is no. You pick up the pieces, you try again and there it is another NO. A word that cuts so painfully and deep when it’s something you really want. A word that blocks a potential passage from point A to B. It hurts and it’s defeating. I have some insight on what has greatly helped me stay motivated and accomplish goals I didn’t think were possible.


The worst thing that someone can ever say to you is no.

Let’s start here. Clearly, people can say other crappy things to you. I am sure you can think of many. We all need to think before we speak sometimes. We need to understand the impact of what we say and the intention behind the words we speak when directed at another individual. I have already talked about living with intention so we won’t get into that on this one. Right now, it’s about that dreaded word NO. A word that to be honest, I have become quite immune to. It doesn’t affect me anymore. I don’t want it to affect you anymore either. People say no for all kinds of reason, some of those reasons make no sense at all. Sometimes a no is built off off cruelty, jealousy, and greed. There are a lot of what’s in it for me individuals out there who always miss the bigger picture. People who look at short-term gains and miss out on the potential of long-term wins. It’s generally a good idea to avoid these people and ask them for nothing.

Seriously, do yourself a favour and get yourself off the Ferris wheel of people who exude this type of energy and mentality.  They are serious time wasters and will in most cases royally screw you over and set you back a few steps, days, even years. Don’t friend them, don’t associate with them and PLEASE DO NOT date them. When you are on a quest to bring your dreams to fruition, it’s important to surround yourself with like-minded people or to seek them out. Whether you want to believe this or not, you are a reflection of the company you keep even if you strongly believe you are not like them. Perhaps, this is true and you’re not but remember we feed off of each others energy. Therefore, if you want to maintain a high vibration, an energetic wavelength that supports new ideas, change, growth, and perseverance. Look around you, who are you spending most of your time with? How is your relationship with them affecting you?


Change the way you look at rejection

I know what it’s like to ask for something and feel the burn of rejection. It’s in that moment when you can either let it ruin your entire day, week or make you give up entirely. Then I think to myself, some no’s lead you in the direction of the right yes’s. The right moment and the right opportunity surround with the right people. When someone says no to you, just say to yourself, ‘okay, I have steered myself in the wrong direction’. Get back to the drawing board, draw a new blueprint and figure out what’s next. You can always work your way around situations and people. You can always find a way to get there. When pursuing your dreams remember that NO is just a yield sign. Take a moment, take a breath, don’t lose hope and get back in the game.

I am sure you have heard people say many times, rejection is part of life; it is. That doesn’t mean you have to accept it, particularly when it comes to life goals. Sure, a lover may reject you, just know that they are most likely doing you a favour. Anyone who doesn’t want to be in your life, simply let them go. But don’t accept the kind of rejection that leads you to think you are not good enough or the life you desire to live or what you are creating isn’t possible. Just remember, none of us really know anything/everything. We are all just trying to figure it out.


Being rejected sucks but not trying is the same thing as getting a no.

If you are reading this and you’re sitting there wondering whether or not you should make the next move and you have been doing this for weeks, months and years. I want you to know that you have already given yourself the NO you are dreading to hear. No movement = NO. Not trying = No. Doing nothing = No. Rejection is already happening without you even trying. Your doubts and fears are rejections favourite companions. These thoughts kill your motivation and guess what if you aren’t sure about it then how can anyone else be sure? You have to believe in yourself and what you are capable of. This will get you through the perils of rejection like a champ. You are the champion of your dreams, your life.

To be honest, it’s not an easy thing to do. I find myself second guessing myself all the time. There have been times in my life where I felt paralyzed with fear to move because I just couldn’t stand to hear another NO. Times when I didn’t believe in myself and let others make me think I wasn’t worthy. I can’t exactly tell you why the shift happened, it will happen for you at some point. I guess I had an aha moment, as Oprah would call it, I began to realise that my life is purposeful, I have a purpose. With this belief, I decided to clear out the negative noise in my heard, my heart and get rid of negative people who didn’t wish the best for me. I started to wish the best for myself even if it felt like things would never improve. Every day, I go after my dreams, some days are amazing and other days are yielding moments where I need to get back to the drawing board and figure out a new plan or a detour.

No’s don’t discourage me anymore. If anything they should make you work harder and dream bigger. When you look to someone else for inspiration and say “wow I wish I had that” never forget that they experienced rejection. It always looks easy once someone gets there but never forget that the journey existed and you can’t skip it, even if you want to. You are going to have to walk through it and persevere; be resilient. You will feel hopeless, alone and afraid but don’t shy away from these feelings. Let each emotion be felt because there is a lesson there that will give you the insight you need to switch gears or change the way you have been approaching things.


No hate just love

If you hold on to anything from what I have said here, I want you to remember that you can’t build a good life if your heart is filled with hate. You are going to encounter a lot of people as you work towards your life goals. People who will say NO to you in a really Sh**ty way.  Some of those people will fill you with the kind of hate in your heart that you didn’t know existed. I want you to let it go and release yourself from the feelings that you have allowed someone else to make you feel for far too long. You need to know that love builds dreams and love sustains dreams. Love is the foundation of a happy life.

Hating whoever made you feel this way, whoever rejected you or made you question your worth won’t help you or change anything. Wishing that something bad happens to them does nothing for you either. As hard as it may be, still wish them well, and move on from it. They don’t know that you are about to prove them wrong and most importantly yourself. They are not meant to be apart of your glory so don’t drag them with you wherever you go. No matter what always go back to that place within you where love lives, where your dreams and hopes reside. Always go back to love, trust me when I tell you this, it will help you get over rejection.

Hanifa Anne Sekandi

Founder & Editor-in-Chief. Mindfulness Advocate and Facilitator. Member of the Mindful Society Global Institute. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Social Behaviour, Media, and Culture); Psychology of Buddhism, Mental Health and Illness Minor - (Eastern Practices for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction and Religion (Society, Religion, and Politics). I help brands achieve their growth potential through an intuitive business development approach. Follow Me on Instagram @thethingsiwishiknew On Facebook @thethingsiwishiknew